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Take a Walk on the Plank Side | Covenant Woods


Covenant Woods in Mechanicsville, Virginia renovated their Lodge in June 2020. They elected to remove carpet and modernize the common areas to a glue down commercial vinyl plank. With a high traffic area and many residents with wheelchairs, this upgrade truly transformed the entire space!

DMA Floors Project Manager Jessica Bronner worked one on one with Covenant Woods to design multiple patterned insets to make this elegant space stand out. The project consisted of 14,000 square feet and was completed start to finish in just 12 days thanks to Dre and his crew.

Covenant Woods chose a combination of Patcraft Woodland View for the restaurant and conference room and J&J Classics for the lobby and hallways. The two products compliment each other nicely and help each individual area come to life!

This project was just one of many between Covenant Woods and DMA Floors. This year DMA has also completed a large renovation in the Manor and a renovation of the swimming pool. DMA appreciates our repeat customers and strives to provide the best service in town! 

coventant woods

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